Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: March 06, 2024 at 7:10pm EST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

12.) NW 2nd Street Vacation

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    Seth Follansbee 7 months ago

    If the vacation request is granted I petition the Plantation City Council to make it contingent on maintaining the current RS-1EP zoning, which is one (1) house per acre. This would also match the contingent approval apparently already provided by PAID on this matter. However, this request should be rejected, as a site plan has not been provided, making the Council unable to make the best choice for the residents, while compulsorily protecting our neighborhood’s low-density RS-1EP zoning.

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    Michael Roth 7 months ago

    How does this best serve the taxpayers? Why would the city just give land to a for profit developer who refuses to disclose their long term plan? What is three quarters of an acre of land worth? Is there really no public use for this land, even to improve drainage? How much time and how many resources have been spent because this developer refuses to build within the zoning and land use that was in place when they purchased the land?

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    Tom McClure 7 months ago

    I support the City vacating 2nd street with the provision that the current zoning density of ONE SINGLE FAMILY HOME PER ACRE must be maintained. Thank you!

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    PENNY BRILL 7 months ago

    I am in favor of the city vacating NW 2nd Street the developer only if there is development of no more than 8 single family homes. This stipulation between the City and the developer should be agreed to and made part of this vacation process & agreement. If vacation is granted, and the plans for the property is changed or the property is sold, the City must ensure current zoning enforcement. Thank you.

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    Damon DeSantis 7 months ago

    I support the vacating of NW 2nd Street to developer ONLY if the city guarantees that vacating this piece of land is subject to the developer moving forward with the development of NO MORE than 8 single family homes. I believe this stipulation must be agreed to and made part of this vacation process & agreement.

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    Nathaniel Pool 7 months ago

    I strongly oppose vacating 2nd Street without a clear development plan. Lack of transparency is concerning. Prioritize community interests and adhere to PAID's criteria, limiting to 8 single-family homes on the remaining 8 acres. If vacation is granted, ensure current zoning enforcement. Thank you for your consideration.

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    Jennifer Fain 7 months ago

    Dependent on the zoning of 1home per acre, I approve of the vacation of the right of way of nw 2nd street. However, if the vacation is granted and site plans change or land is sold, The Vity shall be responsible by law, to enforce the current zoning. THANK YOU. Jennifer Fain 11831 NW 9th St.

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    ric roth 7 months ago

    Vacation of NW 2nd Street to developer. We are in favor of the city vacating this piece of land subject to developer moving forward with the development of no more than 8 single family homes. We believe that this stipulation between the City & Developer should be agreed to and made part of this vacation process & agreement.

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    Adam Fractenberg 7 months ago

    I am in favor in regard to the vacation of NW 2nd Street to developer, as long as there are NO MORE than 8 single family homes on the plot of land. In my opinion, this stipulation should be agreed to and made part of this vacation process & agreement.